Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (2024)

Table of Contents
Units 8 Reading Schedule and Learning Targets Clinical Psychology Unit Overview Clinical Psychology Unit Reading Guide Click here to take a practice test on Abnormal Psychology from Kent Korek Click here to take a practice test on Treatment from Kent Korek Quizlet flashcards for Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology Quizizz Review Questions for Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology Textbook Review Questions (Unit XII: Modules 65-69) Textbook Review Questions (Unit XIII: Modules 70-73) Defining Abnormality Anxiety, Trauma, and OCD Disorders (ppt) Mood Disorders (ppt) Schizophrenia (ppt) Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (ppt) Dissociative Disorders (ppt) Personality Disorders Matching (answer key) Intro to Therapy Psychoanalysis and Humanistic Therapies (ppt) Behavior and Cognitive Therapies (ppt) Biomedical Therapies Flip It videos Major Changes from DSM-IV to DSM-5 What Counts As Crazy? (Time Magazine, 3/19/12) DSM-IV TR (Online Version) Old DSMs in pdf format Mental Health - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Discovering Psychology: Psychopathology Internet Mental Health NIMH (The National Institute of Mental Health) Publications The World of Abnormal Psychology Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale Phobias, Phobias, Phobias PsychCentral - OCD Online Screening Quiz Depression: Out of the Shadows (PBS) A Depressing Future for Men? (PsychCentral News) Andrea Yates Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality) - from "The Brain" video series Article: "Kentucky art teacher was 'Sybil," scholar confirms" Case Study in Schizophrenia: Gerald Case Study in Schizophrenia: Heather Complex Link Between Marijuana and Schizophrenia (Time Magazine 7/21/10) Mr. Lopez & Mr. Ayers - The Real Life Basis for the movie "The Soloist" Dissociative Identity Disorder cases Venn diagram for D.I.D. articles Online Self-test for Personality Disorders "The Mind of the Psychopath" (from "The Mind" video series) Eating Disorder Related Sites NIMH Eating Disorders Publication Dove Beauty Campaign Fairy Tale Therapy (Extra Credit Option) Fairy Tale Therapy directions Cinderella in Therapy (example) Discovering Psychology: Psychotherapy The Lobotomist "The Mind" - "Mood Disorders: Medication and Talk Therapy" Carl Rogers Website Mental Health Medications Guilty Except for Insanity

Units 8 Reading Schedule and Learning Targets

Clinical Psychology Unit Overview

Abnormal Psych overview slides

Therapy overview slides

Clinical Psychology Unit Reading Guide

Click here to take a practice test on Abnormal Psychology from Kent Korek

Click here to take a practice test on Treatment from Kent Korek

Quizlet flashcards for Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology

Quizizz Review Questions for Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology

      • Module 65 (Introduction to Psychological Disorders)

      • Module 66 (Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

      • Module 67 (Mood Disorders)

      • Module 68 (Schizophrenia)

      • Module 69 (Other Disorders)

      • Module 70 (Introduction to Therapy, and Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies)

      • Module 71 (Behavior, Cognitive, and Group Therapies)

      • Module 72 (Evaluating Psychotherapies and Prevention Strategies)

      • Module 73 (The Biomedical Therapies)

Textbook Review Questions (Unit XII: Modules 65-69)

Textbook Review Questions (Unit XIII: Modules 70-73)

Defining Abnormality

Anxiety, Trauma, and OCD Disorders (ppt)

  • click here for virtual presentation (anxiety)

  • click here for virtual presentation (trauma and OCD)

Mood Disorders (ppt)

  • click here for virtual presentation (depressive disorders)

  • click here for virtual presentation (bipolar)

Schizophrenia (ppt)

  • click here for virtual presentation

Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (ppt)

Dissociative Disorders (ppt)

  • click here for virtual presentation

Personality Disorders Matching (answer key)

Use this to check your answers, but obviously don't look at this until after you have filled out the matching activity for Personality Disorders.

Intro to Therapy

Psychoanalysis and Humanistic Therapies (ppt)

  • click here for virtual presentation

Behavior and Cognitive Therapies (ppt)

  • click here for virtual presentation

Biomedical Therapies

  • click here for virtual presentation

(Note: These videos were created by the College Board to help students review in the Covid spring of 2020. That exam did not include Clinical Psychology or Social Psychology as topics, so they did not create review videos for the full units for those topics.)

Flip It videos

    • Module 66 - Anxiety Disorders

    • Module 68 - Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia

    • Module 71 - Counterconditioning: How it Works

    • Module 72 - Outcome Research: Applying Science to Therapy

    • Module 73 - How Drug Therapy Works

    • Module 73 - Positive and Negative Symptoms

Major Changes from DSM-IV to DSM-5

Click the link below to view a publication from the APA about the more significant changes that took place with the change from the DSM-IV TR to the DSM-5.


What Counts As Crazy? (Time Magazine, 3/19/12)

This is an article from Time Magazine from the time when they were still working on finalizing the DSM-5 and it discusses some of the controversies surrounding it. It's well worth a quick read.

DSM-IV TR (Online Version)

This is an online version of the DSM-IV TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual). I also have a hard copy available in class if you ever want to look at it. However, remember that the APA has recently released the new DSM-5 (which I also have available in the classroom), and that is the version that is now being used for AP classes.

Old DSMs in pdf format

On their website, American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. includes electronic versions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders I, II, III, IIIR, and IV. Each of the books are available in a PDF format. This provides a perfect opportunity to see how the various disorders names, descriptions, and symptom patterns have changes over the years. Below I've included the links to each of the past DSMs.






Mental Health - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver explains how our national system of treating mental health works, or more often than not, how it doesn’t.

(Important Note: If you choose to watch, please be warned that Mr. Oliver uses rather crude language at times. However, I feel it is worth sharing this piece nonetheless considering his thought-provoking analysis of a very important issue.)

Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (1)

Discovering Psychology: Psychopathology

This is a good general overview video that might serve as a nice review of some of the key concepts from this unit (although it doesn't cover all of the classes of disorders).

  • http://www.learner.org/vod/asx/seattle/Discovering_Psychology_Updated_21.asx

Internet Mental Health


NIMH (The National Institute of Mental Health) Publications

The NIMH is probably one of the best and most respected institutions for information on mental health issues. I have put some links below to serve your own personal interests, or as a resource for your research paper. The National Institute of Mental Health has a large number of excellent mental health publications. They come in booklet, easy to read, or fact sheets formats.

At http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/index.shtml there is a search function for all of their mental health publications.


  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders)

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens: A Parent's Guide

  • Depression

  • Eating Disorders

  • Men and Depression

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Schizophrenia

  • Women and Depression: Discovering Hope

The World of Abnormal Psychology

This is an older video series (and not the best one in the world...) but you might find some of the information useful. Individual programs from the series include:

  1. Looking at abnormal behavior

  2. The Nature of Stress

  3. The Anxiety Disorders

  4. Psychological Factors and Physical Illness

  5. Personality Disorders

  6. Substance Abuse Disorders

  7. Sexual Disorders

  8. Mood Disorders

  9. The Schizophrenias

  10. Organic Mental Disorders

  11. Behavior Disorders of Childhood

  12. Psychotherapies

  13. An Ounce of Prevention

Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale

Take this online self-assessment to obtain a measurement of your typical level of anxiety. (Note: This should not be treated as a diagnostic tool for GAD or any other Anxiety Disorder. However, if your results are concerning to you, I encourage you to talk to a qualified professional about this.)

Phobias, Phobias, Phobias

Here are a bunch of sites pertaining to phobias, many of them with very extensive lists of phobias that you never knew existed.

  • http://www.phobialist.com/

  • http://psychology.about.com/od/phobias/a/phobialist.htm

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_phobias

  • http://www.listofphobias.org/

  • http://www.phobiaguide.com/

  • http://www.phobias-help.com/complete_list_of_phobias.html

PsychCentral - OCD Online Screening Quiz

Like any of the self-assessments that we've done in class, this is not intended to be a diagnostic tool. However, it still might be useful to you to become more familiar with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

  • http://psychcentral.com/ocdquiz.htm

Depression: Out of the Shadows (PBS)

This is the video that we watched part of in class. I strongly encourage you to watch the rest if you have time.

Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (2)

A Depressing Future for Men? (PsychCentral News)

This article is about how trends in rates of depression amongst men and women may be changing.

  • http://psychcentral.com/news/2011/03/02/a-depressing-future-for-men/24028.html

Andrea Yates

This video is about the famous case of Andrea Yates - a woman who killed her children while suffering from Post-Partum Depression with Psychotic Symptoms.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality) - from "The Brain" video series

The full clip (including a part on the brain scans of the different personalities) is available through the link to "The Brain" video series on the "Miscellaneous Files" page.

Article: "Kentucky art teacher was 'Sybil," scholar confirms"

Case Study in Schizophrenia: Gerald

Case Study in Schizophrenia: Heather

Complex Link Between Marijuana and Schizophrenia (Time Magazine 7/21/10)


Mr. Lopez & Mr. Ayers - The Real Life Basis for the movie "The Soloist"

Dissociative Identity Disorder cases

Venn diagram for D.I.D. articles

  • Audrey Anne Wilder article

  • Chris Sizemore article

Online Self-test for Personality Disorders

Especially since I'm not familiar with the source for this self-test, do not take this test too seriously, and obviously it is not for actual diagnostic purposes. However, I thought some of you might find it interesting, so I decided to post it.http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv

"The Mind of the Psychopath" (from "The Mind" video series)

This is about a 20 minute clip about Antisocial Personality Disorder (aka psychopathy or sociopathy).

  • http://www.learner.org/vod/vod_window.html?pid=1642

Eating Disorder Related Sites

The link above will take you to a site that looks at celebrities with eating disorders. Celebrities and eating disorders can make for a potentially potent introduction into the eating disorders topic--after all, who has their bodies scrutinized more than celebrities and athletes? However, as they point out, many of these celebrities have put their lives at risk and had to be hospitalized due to their eating disorders. The site also has helpful information to learn more about getting help.

Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (4)

This site is called About-Face. The site has been of great use for both sociology and psychology classes when dealing with the role and portrayal of women in our culture. The site calls out the magazines and advertisers about their respective questionable images in a portion called, "gallery of offenders." However, this is not just exploitation. The site also has a gallery of winners, featuring ads that have real women in real situations. There is also a great deal of sarcasm that comes with explaining the offenders--pretty cool if you ask me.

Established in 1999, the Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center has been informing the public on the various eating disorders and their treatments. While the site appears to be primarily designed to assist someone in finding treatment, there is basic information on anorexia, bulimia and the other eating disorders.

NIMH Eating Disorders Publication

In 2008, the National Institute of Mental Health published a 26 page booklet on the various Eating Disorders. The book, written primarily to a layperson, provides a good background to the basics of the many Eating Disorders as they currently appear in the DSM-IV-TR.

  • What Are Eating Disorders?

  • Eating disorders are treatable diseases

  • Anorexia Nervosa

  • Bulimia Nervosa

  • Binge-Eating Disorder

  • FDA Warnings On Antidepressants

  • How Are Men And Boys Affected?

  • How Are We Working To Better Understand And Treat Eating Disorders?

  • References

  • For More Information

To download a PDF version of the booklet


Dove Beauty Campaign


A few years ago, Dove Soap created a campaign for "real beauty" in an attempt to alter cultural attitudes toward what makes women attractive. This campaign originally featured the video linked above to make viewers aware of how much change goes into a woman's appearance before and after she is photographed. Whether it is lighting, makeup, or editing the photo, there is a clear and distinct difference between reality and the images that people see in the magazines.

This video is a speech given by Temple Grandin. She's a truly amazing woman with autism spectrum disorder who used her disorder to her advantage in helping pioneer making cattle ranches and slaughterhouses more humane. The way that her mind works helped her to think about things differently and understand what animals were thinking better than others could. She references an HBO movie called "Temple Grandin" that tells her story and stars Claire Danes. I would recommend it to anyone that is interested.

Fairy Tale Therapy (Extra Credit Option)

Fairy Tale Therapy directions

Cinderella in Therapy (example)

Discovering Psychology: Psychotherapy

Click on the link below to watch the Discovering Psych clip from class. Like all of the videos from this series, it provides a nice overview of the topics.

  • http://www.learner.org/vod/vod_window.html?pid=1519

The Lobotomist

Here is the full program about the history of lobotomy that we watched part of in class. (Warning: There are some graphic images that may be difficult to handle for those that are more sensitive.)

"The Mind" - "Mood Disorders: Medication and Talk Therapy"

This is a clip from the classic "Mind" video series about the effectiveness of combining medication with talk therapy.

Carl Rogers Website

The Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center has developed a website devoted to the work of Carl Rogers. Below is the "About Us" page from the site.

The Carl Rogers website serves as a gateway to the work of Dr. Carl Rogers and the many disciplines he influenced. Its primary audience is scholars and practitioners. It is a project of Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, funded by the proceeds of the 2002 Carl R. Rogers Centennial Symposium.The site includes a bibliography of books and articles by and about Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach (PCA) with links to those that are available online. It makes available a collection of rich media - selected audio and video archives that are streamed as WindowsMedia, as well as samples from the CD ROM Carl Rogers: A Daughter's Tribute and Howard Kirschenbaum's videotape Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach. The audio collection is selected from the Carl R. Rogers archive at University of California at Santa Barbara. A comprehensive list of (and links to) world-wide organizations and training centers connected with Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach is included.

The Carl Rogers website is located at http://www.carlrogers.info/index.html

Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (7)

Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (8)

Mental Health Medications

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) at http://www.nimh.nih.gov has published an excellent 30 page booklet entitled Mental Health Medications. The booklet, organized by disorders, details many of the psychiatric medications used today. The publication ends with an alphabetical listing of drugs.

The booklet can be viewed online at http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/mental-health-medications/index.shtmland/

or downloaded as a PDF file at http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/mental-health-medications/nimh-mental-health-medications.pdf

Guilty Except for Insanity



This is a newer documentary about the Oregon State Hospital (made famous by One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest). It documents the struggles of 5 people in the hospital. It also touches on the history of mental hospitals and the legal struggles these patients face.

Here is little excerpt from the website:

"Guilty Except for Insanity follows the journeys of five people who enlist the insanity defense after being charged with serious crimes. The documentary portrays the circ*mstances surrounding their crimes and the dilemmas they confront as they enter the Oregon State Hospital under the "guilty except for insanity" plea."

Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (9)

Koch AP Psychology - Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (2024)
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